Seeking coffee station
in the UAE
Know a good spot for a coffee station in Dubai?
and get paid up to 300 usd for each rented location
We need more coffee stations
Frequent questions
What kind of business do you do?
We provide automated coffee shops with hot beverages such as coffee and tea.
How can I earn with you?
We need help finding new spots for opening more coffee stations.
Can you buy or rent spots?
We only rent.
How many spots do you need?
1000 spots in Dubai only.
How much commission do you pay per spot?
We pay a commission of 300 USD per each rented spot. The exact amount is agreed upon an assesment.
What do you need from me?
A brief description of the spot and the contact person for signing a rental contract.
How many spots can I offer?
As many as possible. You will get paid for each spot we rent through you.
What type of locations are you interested in?
Wherever people may drink hot beverages – any type of buildings: business centers, transport stations, banks, malls and trade centers, supermarkets, entertainment, sport, medical, government facilities and more. We may consider any location.
What are the requirements?
1 sq. meter per coffee station
no need for sewerage
500+ people passing traffic per day
2 electricity outlets
(2 kW/day, 64 kW/month)
no need for water supply
Indoor only
How does it work?
day 1
We sign a term sheet with you
day 2
You provide a spot location and contacts info
day 3
We inspect the location and sign a rental contract
day 4
You get paid a comission
Let's talk about it?
We'll be happy to answer all your questions
  • Lifehacker Operations
United Arab Emirates
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